Welcome to

Pavo Natural Health

“I am truly dedicated to working with my clients until they feel they have achieved the optimal health they are striving for. There are always answers out there, and our bodies will tell us what they need. We just need to learn to listen.“

Meet your Practitioner Teresa Lokken

Teresa grew up in Brooklyn Park, MN doing all the things kids should be doing: riding bikes, playing softball, ice skating at the park, and running around with the neighbor kids. Her college career included a short stint in Florida to learn how to fly airplanes, and finished with completing her Bachelors degree in Quantitative Methods and Computer Science at the University of St. Thomas. She returned to aviation and has been a local mosquito control helicopter pilot for the last 10 years.

After experiencing illness within her family, Teresa was extremely disappointed with the way conventional medicine was handling symptoms and not providing real answers. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Simply reducing symptoms with prescriptions is not a long term solution. There had to be a root cause.

Being the persistent soul she is, Teresa continued to research and seek out answers. When she found an alternative health provider her experience with Electro Dermal Screening opened doors to health that she never knew existed. Finally, healing could begin. She knew this is where her future needed to be. This crazy device provided insights on where to start the healing process and how. Her computer science background proved to be the perfect base for entering this career. She quickly picked up the art of reading points and obtained her BioEnergetic Practitioner Certification. Electro Dermal Screening is a great tool for everyone interested in taking control of their health.

What is Electro Dermal Screening

Our bodies are energy. Every cell in your body maintains a charge, and when that cell is damaged or sick, the voltage drops. Electro Dermal Screening will pick up that low energy. This energy circulates through our bodies via meridians, just as our blood circulates through our veins and arteries. Electro Dermal Screening is a tool that reads the strength of that energy at different points on your body. The strength of the energy at these points will assist in determining the course of action that is needed to guide your body back to balance and begin to return to homeostasis.

Electro Dermal Screening - History
Galvanic skin response testing goes back to the early 1900’s. In 1958 a German doctor, Reinhold Voll, paired this skin response and acupuncture to develop what was known as electroacupuncture according to Voll or EAV. This is what we know today to be Electro Dermal Screening.

Applied Kinesiology with a Screen

Are you familiar with applied kinesiology? Muscle testing? NRT-Nutrition Response Testing? QRT-Quantum Response Testing? Like the idea but prefer a visual confirmation? Electro-dermal screening is similar but our device will actually measure the resistance and show that resistance on a screen for you to see.

What is Pavo? Pavo means Peacock in Latin.


Health and Rejuvenation.

The Peacock is a beautiful and majestic creature. It is also a symbol of healing and immortality. Peacocks drop their gorgeous tail feathers every fall and they grow back bigger and more beautiful every year. Their feathers are used in healing. They are a sign of transformation ~ new beginnings and a sign you are about to embark on a new journey. This journey will be full of challenges and, also, full of rewards.


Protection and Confidence.

Peacock feathers are said to have many symbolic meanings and healing properties. The eye feather is believed to be a symbol of awakening. The feathers are said to absorb negative energy, and protect those who carry them.

A Peacock’s firm feet show strength and balance. Their confidence is a reminder to not hide in the shadows, embrace your life, and confidently move forward.